The Fastest Way to Reach Local Businesses

  • Contact data on every local business, over 10 million in the US.
  • Optimized email and social outreach
  • Step-by-step built-in playbooks
  • AI personalization and prospect lists.

Data On Over 10,000,000 Local Businesses

Reach your ideal prospects today.

Discover Your Prospecting Persona

Unlock the secrets of your professional persona!

Whatever your style, our persona quiz is tailored to reveal the unique strengths that drive your success. Dive in now and discover the persona that defines your path to excellence

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What Our Customers Are Saying

“Resquared has blown me away. I've been able to target and contact more prospects this first week than I ever imagined I could in such a short amount of time.”

“Resquared is providing faster, stronger results for targeted use than any other prospecting tool we have seen. It's a great option to help us save time and be more focused with our leasing efforts”

"I have started to use Resquared on a daily basis. It is by far the best prospecting tool to identify and locate local retailers. If you get stuck on the platform, their team is always available!"