
The Best Platform for Selling to Local Businesses

  • Turn 10 hours of prospecting into 10 minutes.
  • Close deals faster with personalized AI templates and expert support.
  • Reach up to 12,000,000 local businesses
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Trusted by Thousands of Sales Professionals

“Resquared has blown me away. My odds have just increased dramatically and I will easily reach more tenants this year than any of my previous 30 years in this great business of ours!”

“We began using Resquared to fill it and within 3 days, we contacted 40 businesses and had a 60% open rate through the platform. We were very impressed as we had 3 immediate responses from business owners within the first 24 hours, one of which became the tenant, Hollywood Beauty.”

“When we send out 500 emails, we got 40 responses. It makes you look super impressive to a landlord. Your certainly cannot reach out to the same amount of volume alone that you can with Resquared.”

Data on over 12,000,000 local businesses

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